![]() Nicholas Royle is also editor of Net Books (UK) Time Out magazine's own literature review. |
| Trussed Nicholas Royle was born in Sale, Cheshire in 1963. He is the author of three novels -Counterparts, Saxophone Dreams, and The Matter of the Heart - in addition to more than 100 short stories which have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines. He has edited seven anthologies including A Book of Two Halves (Indigo), The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writers Dreams (Serpent's Tail), The Time Out Book of New York Short Stories (Penguin), The Agony and the Ecstasy (Sceptre) and The Ex Files (Quartet). He lives in west London with his wife and young son. Nicholas Royle nació en Sale, Chesire, en 1963. Es autor de tres novelas, Counterparts, Saxophone Dreams yThe Matter of the Heart y de más de cien cuentos aparecidos en varias revistas y antologías. Ha editado también siete antologías entre las que destacan A Book of Two Halves (Indigo), The Tiger Garden: A Book of Writers Dreams (Serpents Tail), The Time Out Book of New York Short Stories (Penguin), The Agony and the Ecstasy (Sceptre) y The Ex Files (Quartet). Vive en Londres con su esposa y su hijo. Nicholas Royle va néixer a Sale, Chesire, el 1963. És autor de
tres novel.les, Counterparts, Saxophone Dreams i The Matter of the Heart i de més
de cent contes apareguts a diverses antologies i revistes. Ha editat també set antologies
entre les quals destaquen A Book of Two Halves (Indigo), The Tiger Garden: A
Book of Writers Dreams (Serpents Tail), The Time Out Book of New York Short
Stories (Penguin), The Agony and the Ecstasy (Sceptre) i The Ex Files
(Quartet). Viu a Londres amb la seva dona i el seu fill. |