photo: Ann Burrola

See also Atticus Books

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Lucinda Ebersole is the co-editor of several anthologies, including the infamous Mondo Barbie (St. Martin's Griffin, 1993) and Coming to Terms (New Press, 1994). She is the author of numerous short stories, which have been published in Yellow Silk, The Crescent Review, and American Letters and Commentary; among others. She is the co-owner of Atticus Books, an antiquarian bookstore in Washington, D.C., where she lives. Her first novel, Death in Equality, was published by St. Martin's Press in 1997.

Índice | Cuaderno de suicidios

Lucinda Ebersole es coeditora de varias antologías, entre las cuales destacan Mondo Barbie (St. Martin’s Griffin, 1993) y Coming to Terms (New Press, 1994). Es autora de numerosos cuentos que han sido publicados en Yellow Silk, The Crescent Review iAmerican Letters and Commentary, entre otras. Es copropietaria de Atticus Books, una libreria de libros viejos en Washington, donde vive. Su primera novela, Death in Equality, fue publicada por St. Martin’s Press en 1997.
Índex | Cuaderno de suicidios

Lucinda Ebersole és coeditora de diverses antologies, entre les quals destaquen Mondo Barbie (St. Martin’s Griffin, 1993) i Coming to Terms (New Press, 1994). És autora de nombrosos contes que han estat publicats a Yellow Silk, The Crescent Review i American Letters and Commentary, entre d’altres. És copropietaria d’Atticus Books, una llibreria d’antic a Washington, on viu. La seva primera, Death in Equality, va ser publicada per St. Martin’s Press el 1997.