International Review

of Contemporary Fiction

issue 26 September - October 2001

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September 11, 2001: TBR may be about the written word but it is difficult to find the words to express our thoughts and feelings at this moment.  Our hearts go out to all Americans and to everyone caught up in these catastrophic events.

The Barcelona Review. Anger is an Energy

Welcome to issue 26. As many readers know, TBR has long had a love affair with Scottish authors, and for good reason. Some of the best writing today is coming from there, as we’ve hoped to show in various of our past issues (all still available in Back Issues). This time round we’re happy to present another Scottish writer, Des Dillon, well known in the U.K. but perhaps not so well known elsewhere. Our Spanish translator, who took on "The Blue Hen," said it reminded him of Ken Loach and that he didn’t know of many contemporary writers who did justice to the Loach style with its focus on the working class and those on the dole - without, that is, veering off into the more exotic realms of drugs, crime, etc. He has a point, but if you don’t associate humor with a Loach film, you will with Des Dillon.

From the U.S. we’re happy to present our second story by Ohio’s John Aber, whose first contribution - "Massage," from issue 22 - proved to be a big hit with us and our readers for its wacky, offbeat humor. Be sure to catch it if you missed it before, and don’t miss this latest which is a teenage girl’s reverie on sperm.

Also from the U.S. we have a winning story by Los Angeles writer Jim Ruland - an amusing Q & A piece that ponders the quandary of why "Kessler Has No Lucky Pants."

And in Spanish translation we have a short story by new writer Daniel Gascón (age 20) from Zaragoza about a conference on Kafka that is a fun and playful take on academic conferences.

Our "Picks from Back Issues" brings up Steve Lattimore and Alden Jones, two fine American writers whom we are proud to have in our archives. And for a look at the Scottish writers in our archives, check out these names: Irvine Welsh, Alan Warner, Michael Faber, Laura Hird, James Meek, Alasdair Gray, Anne Donovan and David Ewen.

Our winner for last issue’s James Baldwin Quiz is James Strachan from British Columbia, Canada (click here for answers). Congratulations to him and all who participated. Test your knowledge this issue on Virginia Woolf.

Our book reviews include the latest offering by Joyce Carol Oates
- "Middle Age: A Romance" - which shows this amazing author in top form.

That’s it for now. If you’d like to be informed when new issues are available, just click here and write "subscribe" or "qué pasa" in the Subject Box.

Jill Adams, editor Jill Adams

For more information about TBR, conditions, etc. please see TBR info. For submission information please read our guidelines. If you would like to be informed when  new issues are available, you can subscribe - all for free - by sending a blank e-m@il to TBR with "Subscribe" or  "¿Qué pasa?" in the  Subject box and leave the message part blank. Your name will not be used for any other purpose.  For any other comments/questions, please use a different Subject title
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Remember to check out our archives...

With five years' worth of short fiction, plays & interviews from such diverse talents as Douglas Coupland, Irvine Welsh, Pinckney Benedict, G.K. Wuori, Scott Heim, A.M. Homes, Alan Warner, Poppy Z. Brite, Laura Hird, Elissa Wald, Jason Starr, Brian Evenson and new kids on the Net like William Cuthbertson, Aimee Krajewski, Jean Kusina, David Alexander, Lenny T and Victor Saunders. This text is the link.

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Web design and artwork: M.G. Smout

We changed our host Sept 2001 so reports on missing files and dead links are more than welcome.

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