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Nascut a Budapest (Hongria) el 1952, Szkároski és poeta i performer. És també professor de literatura i histňria cultural italiana a la Universitat de Budapest. Des de mitjans dels 70 ha publicat poemes i assaigs i s'ha interessat per la poesia sonora i el món multimčdia. A la dčcada de 1980 va crear el grup de poesia FÖLÖSPÉLDÁNY (el duplicat) i un grup de teatre musical: KONNEKTOR. El 1994 funda un nou grup musical: SPIRITUS NOISTER. Dirigeix des de fa anys un programa sobre poesia sonora a la rŕdio nacional hongaresa. _________________________________ ENDRE SZKÁROSI Endre Szkárosi was born un Budapest (Hungary) in 1952 and hes a poet and performer. He also lectures in the University of Budapest on Italian literature and cultural history. In the early 70s he participated in experimental theatre experiences with the group BROBO. Hes also been publishing poems and critical essays since the mid 70s. In the early 80s he
created the poetry group FÖLÖSPELDANY (The Duplicate). Since the late 70s hes been
interested in sound poetry and multimedia experimentations. In 1984 he founded a concert
theatre group: KONNEKTOR. In th early 90s he made poem-sculptures, spatial poetry ans
transpoetry works, axhibited along Europe and America. Hes also made video art works
and organized a great number of international art festivals. In 1994 he founded a new band
in Hungary: SPIRITUS NOSTER. Likewise, hes been running for years a sound poetry
proframme on the Hungarian national radio. The experiences of his artistic and educatinal
activity are united ine the continuos development of the various forms of interacademic
teaching of contemporary cultural history. Hes been collaborating with TOWERING
INFERNO since 1992. |
SZKÁROSI audio (RealPlayer) 1:21 Aquesta obra no pot ser arxivada ni distribuďda sense el permís explícit de l´autor. Us preguem llegiu les condicions d'utilització |
navegació: barcelona review número 21 novembre - desembre 2000 | |
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Américo Rodrigues |
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