The Prize:
Winner -
Pit Bulls
Bite Your
1. Ellroys mother first went to L.A because
a. she wanted to be a movie star
b. she wanted to get a job as a nurse
c. she had won a beauty contest and the prize was a trip to L.A.
2. James Ellroy's real name is
a. Lee Earle Ellroy
b. Armand Earle Ellroy
c. Lloyd Earle Ellroy
d. Leroy Earle Ellroy
3. Ellroy's father gave him a book for his 11th birthday which left a strong
impression. The book was
a. The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett
b. The Badge by Jack Webb
c. The Lady in the Lake by Raymond Chandler
d. Double Indemnity by James M. Cain
4. When Ellroy was 27 years old, he found himself tied to a hospital bed, nearly
dead from alcohol and inhalers. What were the words that he scribbled on the wall next to
his name?
Text Trivia . . .
5. Browns Requiem, Ellroy's first novel, gives us the female
character Jane Baker, who plays the
a. flute
b. piano
c. cello
d. harp
6. The club that gets torched in Browns Requiem is
a. the Black Cat
b. the Pharaoh
c. the Utopia
d. the Silver Star
7. They were a cop team known as Mr. Fire and Mr. Ice. Name the two characters.
Steve Crane - in the short story "Hush-Hush" from Crime Wave, and in real
life - was the owner of this restaurant . . .
a. Luau
b. Pacific Dining Car
c. DuPars
d. Rainbow
9. Name their daddies (American Tabloid):
a. Clare ______________
b. Helen ______________
c. Susan ______________
10. Pete Bondurant is first introduced in which novel?
a. L.A. Confidential
b. White Jazz
c. American Tabloid
d. The Big Nowhere
11. . . . and Dudley Smith first appears in
a. The Black Dahlia
b. Because the Night
c. Clandestine
d. Blood on the Moon
12. The character of Laura Hughes (AT) was supposedly the daughter of
a. Howard Hughes and Marlene Dietrich
b. Joe Kennedy and Gloria Swanson
c. mobster Sam Giancana and Jean Harlow
d. William Randolph Hearst and Carole Lombard
13. In "Tijuana Mon Amour" from Crime Wave, what were Sammy Davis
Jr. and Danny Getchell smuggling into Mexico?
a. skim money
b. guns
c. stolen furs
d. LSD
14. In the short story "Since I Don't Have You," this character finds
himself working for two kingpins, which produces a 'conflict of interest'? Who is he?
a. Buzz Meeks
b. Ward Littell
c. Bud White
d. Pete Bondurant
James Ellroy
Barcelona, April 2001 |
15. A cozy little club down Tijuana way that Bucky
Bleichert visits in The Black Dahlia . . .
a. The Hell Hole
b. Club Vice
c. The Pit
d. The Club Satan
16. Martin Michael Plunkett is
a. a serial killer
b. a pimp for Howard Hughes
c. a cop on the take
d. one of the Black Dahlia's lovers
17. In Clandestine, officer Fred Underhill has a one-night stand with this
woman, who is later strangled to death. Her name is
a. Lorna Weinberg
b. Leona Jensen
c. Margaret Cadwallader
d. Karyn Kupcinet
18. In White Jazz there is a subplot where the characters are filming a
movie which takes place in
a. Hancock Park
b. Graffith Park
c. Santa Monica Boulevard
d. downtown L.A.
19. Which character doesn´t survive American Tabloid to make it into The
Cold Six Thousand?
a. Kemper Boyd
b. John Stanton
c. Sam Giancana
d. Howard Hughes
20. Red bashing and a string of brutal murders is the backdrop for this novel set
in L.A., 1950.
a. Because the Night
b. Suicide Hill
c. The Big Nowhere
d. Killer on the Road
21. The sleazy cop in L.A. Confidential who busts movie stars for payoffs
from Hush Hush is
a. Bud White
b. Jack Vincennes
c. Ed Exley
d. Lee Blanchard
22. The odd one out in American Tabloid
. . .
a. Marilyn Monroe
b. Howard Hughes
c. Jack Ruby
d. Jimmy Hoffa
e. Lee Harvey Oswald
f. J. Edgar Hoover
g. Bobby Kennedy
23. In his grilling for the job of stringer for Hush-Hush (AT), Lenny Sands
is asked who has the biggest dick in Hollywood. He throws out two names (real B actors of
the times). Who are they?
24. White Rabbit in The Cold Six Thousand is the code name for
a. Martin Luther King
b. Wayne Tredrow Sr.
c. Ward J. Littell
d. Lyle Holly
e. Bayard Rustin
25. After killing Betty MacDonald (TCST), the killer takes
a. a bird
b. a cat
c. a dog
d. a tropical fish
Miscellany . . .
26. His name's Bill Stoner and helped Ellroy
a. investigate the murder of his mother
b. research the Black Dahlia case
c. obtain FBI files on Kennedy and others
27. Which of the following characters has never appeared in a film adaptation
of an Ellroy work?
a. Lesley Ann Warren
b. Valerie Perrine
c. Eddie Bunker
d. Charles Durning
e. James Woods
f. James Cromwell
g. Russell Crowe
h. Gary Busey
28. Ellroy met his second wife, writer Helen Knode, while she was writing for
which paper?
a. Kansas City Star
b. Santa Barbara Weekly
c. San Francisco Examiner
d. L.A. Weekly
29. Barko now resides in doggie Valhalla, but his earthly reincarnation can be found in
a. Maurice
b. Dudley
c. Buzz
d. Pete
30. Ellroy currently composes his work
a. by hand
b. on a manual typewriter
c. on an electric typewriter
d. on a Mac Classic
Ellroy sites of interest:
The Richmond Review: Demon
Dog Central -- contains loads of great links, including the short story "Since I
Don't Have You" and an in-depth interview with Ellroy by Paul Duncan
James Ellroy's World
James Ellroy
Ellroy Confidential - available in English and French