A good tough quiz to end the year, which even had a winner, Gillian McAllister from England. The prize is gone but if you would like a go click here - but, no peeking below, no stooping to conquer... |
![]() Names, please . . . 1. Prototype for Barbara Walters and Geraldo, he got exclusives with Rousseau,
Voltaire and even a newsworthy revolutionary Corsican general, Pasquale di Paoli, before
his daddy said he had to come home and settle down. Which, fortunately, he didnt
quite do. 2. A good friend and benefactor to the London literati - helping to found the Literary Club - he made his name in another area of the arts and lived in what is now Leicester Square, where his ear trumpet was a familiar fixture. Sir Joshua Reynolds 3. If your words or deeds displeased this writer, hed likely pen, in the spirit of the times, a scathing satire about you - probably in heroic couplets written in a grotto. Alexander Pope 4. Letter and fiction writer, this connoisseur was also known for his purchase
of "a little plaything house" outside London which he turned into a thirty-room
Gothic castle, complete with plaster battlements and towers. Sir Horace Walpole
6. One of the first feminists, who wrote a memorable feminist tract, this well-known woman died giving birth to a writer who would eclipse her in fame. Mary Wollstonecraft 7. Under a pseudonym in 1722, this author wrote a hauntingly realistic eyewitness account of the Great Plague of 1665 - an extraordinary feat considering this "honest cheat" was only five years old at the time. Daniel Defoe 8. At age twelve, this writer discovered a name in an epitaph at a local church and began writing as though he himself were this person, whom he conceived as a fifteenth-century Bristol priest. When his verse was exposed as being "18th century," he became depressed and committed suicide at age seventeen. Thomas Chatterton
10. A fattened child of one year in age, this writer proposed, would make a delicious fricassee for the rich. Jonathan Swift 11. He made the famous slip of defining "pastern" as the "knee" of a horse rather than the part of the foot between the fetlock and hoof. Samuel Johnson Novels, if you would . . . 12. All the Gothic trimmings are here in this first modern-style thriller of
romance and terror, later parodied by Jane Austin and taken up by Hammer Horror films. Mysteries of Udolpho
14. In this novel, the characters at one point find themselves in the snowy mountains on the Spanish/French border, fighting off wolves and bears. Robinson Crusoe 15. This title characters virginity was under threat (and eventually lost) for over a million pages as she writes about it and writes about it and writes about it . . . Clarissa 16. Until its republication in the 20th century, this porno novel's fame was mainly limited to copies sold surreptitiously to special customers; it differs from others of the era in that it develops its characers with some care and exhibits literary qualities of satire and comedy. Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, more commonly known as Fanny Hill, by John Cleland 17. In this popular novel of sentiment, the parish priest and his large family live an idyllic life until he loses his money and all hell breaks loose. Happy ending, though. The Vicar of Wakefield 18. Among the many adventures of this title character, one includes unknowingly marrying her brother and having loads of kids. Moll Flanders Characters from fiction, poetry and drama . . . 19. The person who tells Tom Jones that Toms lady love "was lain with by half the young fellows at Bath," and goes on to broadside Tom with a bottle of wine. Ensign Northerton 20. Lusty lady who tries every which way to seduce the brother of Pamela. Lady Booby from Joseph Andrews 21. This woman - with unfortunate consequences - asked her husband during sex if he remembered to wind the clock. Mrs. Shandy 22. She is shamed and dishonored, poor girl, when a strand of her hair is snipped. Belinda from A Rape of the Lock 23. Beautiful, naive daughter of a marquis, who has a passion for reading romances which influences her approach to life and causes many comical and melodramatic misunderstandings. Arabella, from The Female Quioxte 24. This rascal receives stolen goods, and then, to make extra money, informs on his clients, including his daughters husband. Peachum from The Beggar's Opera 25. When he fails to receive the expected fortune from his wife, this gentleman abandons her and his child. Later, when asked to recognize his daughter as his own, he insists shes been in his care since infancy. Sir John Belmont from Evelina by Fanny Burney 26. This wise old philosopher, born in Africa, accompanies a young prince on
his journey to learn of the world. Imlac from
Rasselas |
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