The Barcelona Review - in this issue you can win a signed copy of James Ellroy's 'Crime Wave' Cracking fiction to read over May and June 2001
James Ellroy, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, bit of violence, bit of porn etcAnimation in three languages - 4 years/Años/Anys


International Review
Contemporary Fiction

issue 24

  may - june


Welcome to our fourth anniversary issue. For all of you James Ellroy fans, we have an extract (chapter one) from his new novel, The Cold Six Thousand which hit the States just this week, after various extracts had appeared in GQ. It’s part two of his Underworld USA Trilogy, following American Tabloid. If you happen not to have read Ellroy, you can get a taste of his style right here. "Tighter and terser" than ever, says our reviewer, yet "more descriptive" for that - a "boffo book." Interestingly, TCST appeared first in France, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Spain before the U.K. and U.S. TBR caught up with Ellroy when he passed through Barcelona and Michael Garry Smout writes his impression of the meeting in "Lunch and Tea with James Ellroy." Tea was actually had the next day in Madrid with his Spanish translator, Montse Gurguí, who squeezed in a short interview at the Hotel Alcalá. If you know Ellroy - or think you do - try our quiz this issue. The winner receives a signed copy of one of his books.

We’re also pleased to present two stories by Cuban author Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, translated by Natasha Wimmer, which appear in his collection Dirty Havana Trilogy. Gutiérrez writes from the heart of the slums of contemporary Havana where poverty, rum and sex - and more sex - pretty much comprise the narrator’s world. Our reviewer writes: " . . . a perfect balance of social documentary, storytelling, humor, pathos and smutty porn."

Two new writers this issue whose work impressed us are Terry DeHart and Heather Fowler, both from the U.S. We like the humor in these stories which fits with a previous new writer we published, John Aber.

In keeping with the off-beat humor of the writers above, one of our "Picks from Back Issues" is Scottish writer James Meek. If you missed him in issue 19, catch him now. We'd also like to bring your attention to Alicia Erian's delightfully funny story from issue 21. It has just appeared in the U.S. in the collection The Brutal Language of Love (Villard), which has been receiving much well-deserved praise from reviewers.  

No winners on the Hemingway Ouiz, but many close calls (most typically incorrect answer was the name of the critic quoted). Thanks to Bob Orlin who kindly pointed out an error: Harry Morgan does not appear in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." The character’s name is simply Harry. Click here for answers. And have a go at our Ellroy Quiz.

Last of all, following the lead of Salon’s new Salon Premium policy, we would like to offer our Barcelona Review Premium Elite service: for just $30.00 annually (or more would be nice), you’ll receive these special Premium Elite extras: 1. the ability to access each issue one week before it is released to the hoi polloi; this will come from our hidden site and will not have been proof-read and may not contain all the images, but hey, you’ll get most of it first. 2. a look at some of our ‘select’ fiction rejections. 3. a free T-shirt saying "I am a Barcelona Review Premium Elite Subscriber." 4. access to photos of our editorial staff and their pets. If you don’t wish to participate in the Elite service, you can still receive TBR every two months like you’ve always done - free.

Good reading to all,

Jill AdamsJill Adams, editor

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