The author can be contacted at Alexium@aol.com
| Keno Money David Alexander lives in New York City, but spends any time away from home in Europe. His work has appeared variously on the Web, including recent appearances in Mississippi Review, Recursive Angel, and Morpo Review. As he wrote to the BR: 'Keno Money' is the result of a number of preoccupations, some recent, others longstanding. I've been interested in coex systems and in the compression of language and meaning, and in finding out how much of a wallop can be packed by simple narrative forms. Ive also been interested in the cadences of spoken language. I'm especially pleased the story has has been translated into Spanish since Spanish-language writers, particularly Jorge Borges and Julio Cortazar, influenced me early on, both in the original and in translation. David Alexander vive en Nueva York, pero pasa gran parte de su tiempo en Europa. Sus
trabajos han aparecido a menudo en Internet, en Mississippi Review, Recursive Angel y
Morpo Review. David Alexander viu a Nova York, però passa molt temps fora de casa voltant per
Europa. El seus treballs han aparegut sovint a Internet, darrerament, a la Mississippi
Review, Recursive Angel i Morpo Review.