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 número 21: novembre - desembre 2000

PROPOSTAJaap Blonk: Flux-de-Bouche 
audio (RealPlayer)

Jaap Blonk: Flux-de-Bouche


Va nèixer a Woerden (Holanda) el 1953. És músic, vocalista autodidacte y poeta sonor. Va començar tocant el saxòfon i component música: sobretot peces de jazz i música per a teatre experimental. Recitant poesia, particularment obres d'Antonin Artaud, de Kurt Schwitters i del gran poeta holandès Lucebert, va descobrir la visceralitat i la flexibilitat de l'expressió vocal.

Actualment Jaap Blonk és escriptor i compositor productiu i especialista en la interpretació de poesia sonora. A més de la seva obra com a solista, ha col·laborat amb gran nombre de músics i conjunts en el camp de la música contemporània i improvisada, com ara David Moss, Nicolas Collins, Anne LaBerge, Paul Dutton, Mats Gustafsson, la Orquesta Holandés de Metales i la Ebony Band. És líder dels grups Splinks (una orquestra de 13 músics que toca la música de Jaap Blonk) i BRAAXTAAL (un trio de rock vanguardista amb sintetitzador i bateria).
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audio (RealPlayer) 3:09


Jaap Blonk (born 1953 in Woerden, Holland) is a self-taught composer, voice performer and sound poet. His unfinished studies in physichs, mathematics and musicology mainly created a penchant for activities in a Dada vein, as did several unsuccessful jobs in offices and other well-organized systems. He took up saxophone and started to compose music, at first mainly jazz pieces and music for experimental theatre. In reciting poetry, especially the works of Antonin Artaud, Lucebert and Kurt Schwitters, he discovered the directness and flexibility of vocal utterance, whether using meaningful words or not.
At present, he has developed into a prolific writer/composer and a specialist in the performance of sound poetry, supported by a powerful stage presence and an almost childlike freedom at improvisation.
Besides working as a soloist, he collaborated with many musicians and ensembles in the field of contemporary and improvised music, like Tristan Honsinger, Malcolm Goldstein, Mats Gustafsson, David Moss, Nicolas Collins, the Nederlands Wind Ensemble and the Ebony Band. He is the founder and leader of Splinks, a 13-piece orchestra playing his compositions, and BRAAXTAL, a 3-piece avantguarde rock band with drum and synthesizer.
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© Jaap Blonk

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navegació:                     barcelona review número 21     novembre - desembre  2000  


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