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SOME TREES by John Ashbery In 1956 the Yale University Press published the collection Some Trees in their Yale Younger Poets Series. This first-published book by 28-year-old John Ashbery didnt immediately take the poetry world by storm but that was soon to come. The now classic Some Trees continues to be regularly reprinted in English. Melcion Mateu Adrover, winner of the prestigious Octavio Paz Poetry Award (1998) and a contributing editor to TBR, recently translated Some Trees into Catalan, the first-ever translation of Ashberys poetry to appear in Catalan. The bilingual editon, published by Edicions 62, is due out early in 2001. TBR is pleased to present three selections from the collection. Some Trees These are amazing: each To meet as far this morning To tell us we are: And glad not to have invented A chorus of smiles, a winter morning.
The Painter Sitting between the sea and the buildings So there was never any paint on his canvas How could he explain to them his prayer Slightly encouraged, he dipped his brush Imagine a painter crucified by his subject! Others declared it a self-portrait. They tossed him, the portrait, from the tallest of the buildings; Grand Abacus Perhaps this valley too leads into the head of long-ago days. Author bio: John Ashbery was born in Rochester, New York, in 1927. He is the author of nineteen books of poetry, including, most recently, Girls on the Run: A Poem (1999) and Wakefulnes (1998), Farrar, Straus and Giroux. He has received innumerable awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the National Book Award for Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror (1975). Ashbery was also the first English-language poet to win the Grand Prix de Biennales Internationales de Poésie (Brussels). He is a former Chancellor of The Academy of American Poets and is currently the Charles P. Stevenson, Jr., Professor of Languages and Literature at Bard College. He divides his time between New York City and Hudson, New York. Two on-line interviews
with John Ashbery (from 1985 and 1988) by Jackets John Tranter are well worth
a look and both touch on the publication of Some Trees. TRES POEMES DALGUNS ARBRES John Ashbery (Rochester, Nova York, 1927) té ja diversos llibres traduïts al castellà (a part daltres llengües): Autorretrato en espejo convexo, (traduït per Javier Marías, Madrid: Visor, 1990), Galeones de abril (Madrid: Visor, 1994), ¿Oyes, pájaro? (Madrid: Cátedra, 1999), Diagrama del flujo (Madrid: Cátedra 1996), però aquest és el primer cop que es tradueix en llengua catalana. Ell és el màxim representant de lanomenada "Escola de Nova York", acompanyat dels poetes Frank OHara i Barbara Guest, i probablement, el poeta nord-americà viu més important dels nostres temps i el més reconegut des que el 1975 va rebre els premis Pulitzer, National Book Award i National Book Critics. Lhistoriador i crític Harold Bloom ha considerat el seu paper en la literatura de la segona meitat del segle XX comparable al de poetes com T.S. Eliot i Wallace Stevens durant la primera, i també el valora com un dels poetes nord-americans més importants des de Walt Whitman. Alguns arbres (1956) fou el volum que el donà a conèixer al públic, i es publicarà properament a Edicions 62 en format bilingue i amb la traducció de Melcion Mateu i Adrover que aquí presentem.
ALGUNS ARBRES Són sorprenents: suneix Per trobar-se tan lluny, aquest matí, De dir-nos que som:
EL PINTOR Assegut entre el mar i els edificis, Així que mai no hi hagué pintura a la tela Com podia explicar-los la seva pregària Amb pocs ànims, mullà el pinzell Imagineu-vos un pintor crucificat pel seu tema! Daltres ho consideraren un autorretrat. El llençaren a ell, el retrat, des del més alt dels edificis,
GRAN ÀBAC Potser també aquesta vall porta al cap de dies passats. SOBRE EL TRADUCTOR: MELCION MATEU ADROVER (Barcelona, 1971) és graduat per Cornell University en Literatura Comparada i Llicenciat en Filologia Hispànica per la Universitat de Barcelona. És autor de Vula evident (Premi Octavio Paz de Poesia, 1998) i traductor, entre d'altres, de Michael Ondaatje i David Guterson. |
© John Ashbery © 2000 Melcion Mateu Adrover These poems are reproduced by TBR with kind permission from the author and Georges Borchardt Agency. These poems and their translations may not be archived or distributed further without the author's express permission. Please see our conditions of use. |
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